The Back 9

I heard a line in Adam Sandler’s movie “Click” that stayed with me all these years. It was basically a modern spin on “It’s a Wonderful Life”.
At the end of the movie he is back to where he started and exclaims to a store clerk: “I’m young again!” The clerk responds: “…well I wouldn’t say young, more like on the back 9.”

I love a good metaphor and thought about when I use to play golf. And how that can be applied to my life. I’m terrible on the front 9 holes. Rusty, trial and error, self-doubt, dismay…
But when I make the turn and get to Hole 10
And beyond, I settle down. I learned my limitations, I know my limits. I made adjustments.

I lowerred my expectations. I appreciated the good shots and brushed off the bad shots.
On those particularly bad days, I just picked up my ball and reset myself. I enjoyed the game after this realization. And now my life is on that proverbial “Back 9”, I am more relaxed and don’t get as upset when my shots are off….

I’m just grateful to still be in the game….

Bourbon and Fire

It didn’t matter how good or bad this week at work was. I’m still going to drown it.

Jim Beam and Honey has been my Go-To medication.

I’ve been keeping busy. Too busy to write. I miss it, but I’ve been glad for the distractions.

You can’t snap if your pre-occupied.

I wince when I see myself in the mirrors these days.

That hot middle aged man has been replaced with an Ernest Hemingway wanna-be.

I have so much to say….but I’m into “X” amount of glasses and lost count.
