Less is better

What could you do more of?

My blog title says it all: letting go of the past.

I’m not stuck in it, unable to move, but it haunts me sometimes. It encourages and reminds me of what I went through to get “here”.

Like the “I am they” song: Scars

I’m thankful for these scars. It’s proof I survived and moved on. Mostly.

I think when I’m idle and not going 100 mph in my head with busy work, that’s when the Past gets my attention.

So…I will try to dwell just a little less on the Past.

Baby steps.

One thought on “Less is better

  1. Hey there sister! I’m praying for you this morning. BRAVO for how you have put yourself on the line to share yourself with such vulnerability. God loves that! I see I light in front of you though. Shining on your face. it’s all you can see! It’s SO BIG. Just look at it and let it soak into your soul, into the deep places of your heart. He can clean up those last little things so there’s more room for his LOVE in there! You are madly and insanely loved by God. We all are. Praying celebration all over you today. Rest near God’s heart. He loves when you are close, so stay close. He’ll turn all things for the good as you are near him. He tells me all the time.. just stay close. 🙂

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